A recent poll shows that 66% of Americans can’t name one of the nine Democratic Presidential candidates. Or maybe it’s the other way around. No matter, the Bush reelection juggernaut looks invincible. Why then W’s Nixonian drive to alter the truth? … [Continue reading]
Holy Roller
William Bennett, it turns out, is a man of hidden talents. The former Drug Tsar has spent half his career scolding the country for its moral decay and the other half in casinos feeding his gambling addiction. His rare gift is not the straight -faced … [Continue reading]
Unemployment Line
Where is Mark Fuhrman when you really need him? Probably in Central Idaho at some separatist militia compound, but that’s beside the point. If the marines and Halliburton contractors don’t find some weapons of mass destruction – and I mean soon – … [Continue reading]
Our Own Backyard
Like a prize fighter with a long reach, we have proved in Iraq and Afghanistan that we can defeat a distant enemy. What now that dangers emerge closer to home? Montreal hockey fans booed our national anthem and now the SARS virus, responsible for 13 … [Continue reading]
A Regular Riot
The French have stopped complaining about our Iraqi campaign only long enough to demand their share of postwar reconstruction. Dick Cheney shouldn’t worry if the citizens of Baghdad give any indication. It’s we Americans they admire and emulate the … [Continue reading]