Sure, I didn’t exactly go out on a limb in attacking the Catholic Church as the bastion of sexual predation, but it was only days later a Pennsylvania grand jury wrote, “There have been other reports about child sex abuse within … [Continue reading]
A Travesty of a Mockery of a Sham

As the noose tightens around the Orange Julius-colored neck of Donald Trump, it would be improvident - if not purely masturbatory – to posit the potential timeline for his departure or to divine the specifics of his decampment. By the time the … [Continue reading]
Liver Cancer

It’s been an expansive lacuna, I admit, but I have been caught adrift between two immiscible themes that inexplicably cohabit like Vanessa Trump and Valentin Rivera. To wit: what comes out of Washington is so outrageous that even though strident … [Continue reading]
Hamlet’s Soliloquy

One needn’t dig very deep into the archives to find evidence that Republicans represent the party of hypocrisy. Only one scant week after Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced plans to sell offshore drilling licenses in waters that had been … [Continue reading]
The Gridiron

While the White House and the NFL alternate volleys of adolescent tweets and contrived anthem protests, I thought it noteworthy that tonight’s game featuring the league’s two most offensively named teams (Redskins and Chiefs) generated virtually … [Continue reading]
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