Like a prize fighter with a long reach, we have proved in Iraq and Afghanistan that we can defeat a distant enemy. What now that dangers emerge closer to home? Montreal hockey fans booed our national anthem and now the SARS virus, responsible for 13 deaths and scores of illnesses in Toronto, may be spreading out of control. And just to throw salt in the wound, the Bank of Canada raised interest rates in the face of a sputtering North American economy.
Fidel Castro is busy at work as well. 75 political dissidents were arrested after calling for democratic reform. Few will outlive their prison sentences. Emboldened by two hijacked planes landing in Key West, several armed men took control of a ferry boat and headed for the U.S. coastline. After running out of gas, they were towed back to Cuba and summarily executed. Tunnels connecting Tijuana to San Diego have been uncovered which means the end of cheap labor and low cost dope. How then do they expect me to construct a bomb shelter?