Uh oh. A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine discloses that the standard PSA blood test for prostate cancer may fail to detect the disease 80% of the time. This means that your doctor will be donning the rubber gloves for your next physical. But if the disease should strike, there may be hope. At Columbia University, lab tests show that prostate cancer cells are susceptible to Zyflamed, an herbal extract that includes ginger, oregano and green tea. The concoction acts as a COX-2 inhibitor (like Vioxx or Celebrex) and holds such promise that patient trials are slated to begin shortly. But what can we do in the meantime? In a discovery that rivals the harnessing of fire, Australian researchers concluded that frequent masturbation could significantly reduce the risks of getting prostate cancer. Semen, apparently, contains carcinogens, which need to be continuously flushed from the system. So now the same HMO that denies a liver transplant may cover Celestial Seasonings and Horny Housewives III.
The centerpiece of the President’s Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act is a reduction in the tax rate on dividends. Well, reconcile this: The rich are paying fewer taxes, the working stiffs are losing their jobs and the chasm is growing. Boeing just announced that although their stock pays a 68-cent dividend the company would eliminate 5,000 jobs. Eastman Kodak’s dividend is larger at a buck eighty, so they’ll need to trim payrolls by 6,000.
Not that it was the turning point of the economy, but 9/11 has changed many things. The only residue on daily life more irritating than going through airport security is that annoying news ticker constantly streaming across the bottom of my television screen. These moving blurbs and half stories stick in my memory like last night’s rib dinner wedged between two teeth; I get a hint of the flavor, though at 8 a.m. I’m not sure I want to. As “No US Casualties in Iraq for Second Day in a Row” jogged across my plasma, I wondered which is more remarkable, that our forces survived 48 hours without someone dying or that daily loss has come to be expected? In L.A. Story, TV weatherman Harris Telemacher pre–records his never-changing forecasts of sunshine and 75 degrees. One day it rains and he gets caught. Now that the President’s sunny forecasts have been exposed as fabrications, will he lose his job as well?
Mounting US casualties, no doubt, are affecting the White House. Despite asserting that Iraq will hold a legitimate election by next summer, Bush is getting more realistic. “I didn’t expect Thomas Jefferson to emerge in Iraq,” he said. It is precisely this admixture of hubris and stupidity that is driving Colin Powell out of the State Department. Over at the Pentagon, Rumsfield confided his relief, noting Jefferson has been dead for 177 years.