Donald Trump’s use of mass media to directly manipulate the American polity may trace its roots to Richard Nixon’s infamous “Checkers” speech, but today’s science seems more string theory than the clunky Newtonian physics of the1950s. For the uncoerced, it is therefore worth noting that the @POTUS Twitter account has been wrested from Barack Obama. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who trolled the new president over his ban on Muslims, tweeted that the change of ownership means the acronym will henceforth stand for Prostitutes Oblige Trump’s Urinary Satyriasis.
Few of those who elected President PeePee Head actually voted for him; rather they voted against blacks, against women (Hillary in particular), against immigrants and against, most pointedly, the inescapable economic progress which has pushed their low-value jobs either overseas or into to an automated work space. Yet this formed a beautiful symmetry with a candidate who was for very little, but anti just about everything else, from the political establishment to sexual restraint to international trade to, well, telling the truth.
The hard part now, of course, is that PeePee Head has become the epicenter of the establishment, which means he has to be against… himself. Which is why he demands investigating fraudulent voting in an election that he won and why he nominated former Texas governor Rick Perry to a cabinet position that Perry promised to abolish. This is why he is pursuing a deportation program that, if carried to the letter of the law, would see his own wife expelled.
As I told you in my last missive, the anti-PC crowd has morphed into South Park’s PC Principal. After making a joke about 10-year-old Barron Trump, SNL writer Katie Rich was shit canned after a slew of Trump supporters barraged NBC with inane complaints like: “Time for SNL to re-evaluate it’s mission and raise the bar for what constitutes humor and become a positive influence in our culture,” or “The whole lot who think it’s funny to berate and dehumanize anyone, especially a child, is despicable and classless.” Clarifying the president’s feelings on the situation, a White House spokesperson noted yesterday, however, that dehumanizing Mexicans remains patently acceptable.
I also predicted the evidence of links of the Republican campaign to the Russian Security Service was too weighty to ignore. Hence the Congressional investigation into National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s backdoor communications with Russian officials. And if there could be any doubt that our country is swiftly becoming a Soviet Republic, take note at how the administration is trying to dictate how corporations do business. First the auto manufacturers were ordered to open superfluous factories and hire unneeded workers, then pipeline companies were told they must exclusively use domestic steel in their products. (“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain;” that Trump used Chinese steel in his in Las Vegas and Chicago high rises remains immaterial.) Such an attempt to establish state control over private resources can only be interpreted as a march towards socialism. We have become, in other words, Putin’s collective bitch.
Many, like Mr. Dorsey, argue that Muslim ban is un-American, while others cite the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 as evidence the policy is illegal. Regardless, the executive order makes no sense: countries which produced actual terrorists (recall: 9/11, etc.) are conspicuously exempt — namely Saudi Arabia*, Egypt*, UAE*, Lebanon and Pakistan — while millions of radicalized middle-Easterners holding UK or EU passports remain blithely unaffected. Lastly, given that the shooters in both San Bernardino and Orlando were native-born Americans, I fail to see how any of this will keep us out of harm’s way. What I do see it that is that the president and his gaggle of sycophants have no fucking clue as to what they are doing.
* Countries where Trump has business interests.