In my last Skewer, I Like Rape, I expressed dismay that some redneck preacher hadn’t yet blamed Superstorm Sandy on gays and liberals. Well, but a scant few hours later, Internet pastor John P. McTernan averred that Sandy is God’s retribution against sodomites and their left-wing brethren who have abandoned Israel. Citing Obama’s support of marriage equality, McTernan railed, “God is systematically destroying America [because] Obama is 100 percent behind the Muslim Brotherhood which has vowed to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem. Both candidates are pro-homosexual and are behind the homosexual agenda.” As for Romney, McTernan expounded, “Yes, he is a big time pro-homosexual supporter to the point he will keep open homosexuality in the military; he wants homosexuals in the Boy Scouts; and he wants more open homosexuals in the Republican Party.” Reading between the lines, one can infer that McTernan believes the Catholic Church needs no assistance from the GOP when it comes to filling its cassocks with knob jockeys and poo pushers.
Upstate New York rabbi Noson Leiter chimed in as well, describing the monstrous storm as “divine justice” for lower Manhattan, which he branded “one of the national centers for homosexuality.” “The Lord will not bring another flood to destroy the entire world,” Leiter explained, “but he can punish particular areas with that flood, and if we look at the same-gender-marriage recognition movement that’s occurring, that’s certainly a message for us to learn.”
As Hamlet’s Player Queen famously allows, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Indeed. What are the odds, then, these two are packing fudge faster than Lucy and Ethel on a conveyor belt? We can but wait for the hand of God to reveal His truth.