Last time, you may recall, I mentioned that the act of fetal pillage was nearing meme status. Shortly thereafter, Dynel Lane lured an expectant mother to her Longmont, CO home and hacked out the third-trimester fetus with a kitchen knife. Though the child died during the assault, District Attorney Stan Garnett could not, under state law, file murder charges “without proof of a live birth.” Yet his failings pale in comparison to those of prosecutors in Detroit; they settled on charges of child abuse against Mitchelle Blair who beat two of her kids to death and stuffed them in a freezer. By statute, Blair could face up to three years in prison and a partial loss of her food stamps.
After my last missive, I received some rather bitchy and litigious feedback for conflating Judaism and homosexuality, yet my vindication was as swift as it was odious. Not the day after I published Kikes and Fairies, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio waived the consent requirement for a procedure known as oral suction circumcision. During this ritual, a mohel fellates a freshly hewn infant in an attempt to cauterize the penile wound with an admixture of saliva and herpes. Though the Vatican rushed to consecrate a handful of similar rites, God himself was none too pleased. Days later he punished the Hymietown Orthodoxy by burning seven Brooklyn siblings in a house fire. But the outpouring of support from the community soon had the Heavenly Father regretting his overreach. As if to make amends, He sent a German airliner crashing into the Alps.
Two times now in as many years, a UCLA coed seeking a position in student government was denied due process because of anti-Jewish sentiment. In the end, the administration intervened on behalf of Rachel Beyda as it had for Abraham Oved, though none of the perpetrators faced the slightest of disciplinary action. In fact, Chancellor Gene Block trivialized the latest incident as “a teaching moment,” somehow equating religious bigotry with pre-schoolers squabbling over a juice box. How different would it have been if we were talking about institutional discrimination against women or blacks – groups protected by Title IX and the Civil Rights Act, respectively – rather than a couple of no-good Yids? Imagine the endless tirades from Gloria Allred and Al Sharpton. Meanwhile, two University of Oklahoma frat bothers were expelled for merely singing a racially insensitive song despite the fact that the word “nigger” is used incessantly in mainstream media. And recall how UCLA junior Alexandra Wallace was run off campus for posting the now infamous “Ching-Chong” video lamenting the “hordes of Asians” dominating the school.
And dominate they do. Asians comprise 14% of California’s population, yet they make up 39% of the UC student body. Why then do members of Berkeley’s black student union feel “oppressed” by Whitey, when Caucasians themselves are undercut by a quarter of their freight? I am flummoxed. I also fail to understand why these black students are demanding a university building be renamed in honor of convicted cop killer Assata Shakur, a petition that will do little to ingratiate them with Bay Area police officers already under investigation for pervasive racial text messages. “Get ur pocket gun,” reads one, “Keep it available in case the monkey returns to his roots.” Another avers, “Niggers should be spayed.” In response, San Francisco police chief Greg Suhr told reporters, “It makes me sick to my stomach to even have these guys around,” though it wasn’t clear if he was referring to the accused officers or the frenzy of Jew lawyers circling city hall.