Oh the irony. Sony Pictures’ production of “The Interview”, a Seth Rogan (aka: Dirty Randy) post-stoner buddy film about a pair of journalists recruited to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, has itself been extirpated by Pyongyang’s cyber attack on the Hollywood studio. The latest twist has the dudes in the bad haircuts and impossibly large military hats disavowing the hacking of Amy Pascal’s email and offering to spearhead a joint investigation in an effort to identify the real culprit (recall: Orenthal James Simpson).
While the rapprochement may at first seem disingenuous, – if not a thinly veiled attempt to discern the capabilities of our counter-intelligence apparatus – consider the recently appended video showing Ray Rice’s then-fiancée, Janay Palmer, snuggling in for a kiss shortly after he knocked her ass out in a hotel elevator. Conceivably, what convinced Former U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones to vitiate Rice’s NFL suspension was not Commissioner Goodell’s “arbitrary abuse of discretion,” but the supposition that Rice’s left cross was merely a sadomasochistic act of foreplay. In that light, the Koreans’ Internet assault may have been nothing more than their version of intercontinental fluffing.
Paradoxically, left-wing artistes in Tinseltown are all clamoring to be Sony’s preeminent critic; Judd Apatow described the cancellation as “An un-American act of cowardice,” while Rob Lowe lamented, “Everyone caved.” Even President Obama got into the act, opining, “I think they made a mistake.” ” We cannot,” he further bloviated, “have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States.” Well, unless they serve on the Jefferson County school board.
Newt Gingrich’s alarmist missive aside, the greatest threat to the commonweal is not the prospect of all-encompassing cyber warfare, but rather the potentiality of another Bush presidency. Though the economy is adding a quarter million jobs per month, Fed Chairwoman Yellen conceded that the system remains fragile; the last thing we need, then, is one more Bible thumping screw-up telling us not to fret because Jesus will fix it in the end.
Nonetheless, we do have much to be grateful this holiday season. Ebola contagion is again less likely than a mumps outbreak at a hockey game, gas prices are regressing to 2005 levels and the stock market is ascending as rapidly as Michael Phelps sinks (think: pot, DUI, Chicks with Dicks).
I do have one regret, though. Having spent countless years in mind-numbing lines taking the kids to sit on Santa’s lap, I was looking forward to the new Wal Mart “Kill a Darkie” Holiday Ritual. Sadly, a selfish and frivolous lawsuit brought by the family of John Crawford means that white folks can no longer gun down people of color in Wal Marts even if we come upon them clutching BB guns that were stocked on open shelves or witness them grabbing the last Skylanders Trap Team Starter Pack in existence. I guess I’ll have to content myself, then, by making sugar cookies and watching a Chinese black market DVD of “The Interview”.