In a Quixotic attempt to derail Mr. Obama’s reelection, Donald Trump in 2011 sent investigators to Hawaii to “prove” that the president was in fact born in Kenya. One long-form birth certificate and a second administration later, the Donald remains unbowed. With his birther crosshairs now firmly trained on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), the controversy is no longer a matter of fact, but of constitutional interpretation. To wit: Cruz was admittedly born in Canada to a Cuban father and an American mother. Twice before have Republican nominees faced such scrutiny: Barry Goldwater was born in pre-statehood Arizona and John McCain was born on a U.S. military base in the Panama Canal Zone. Each was deemed a “natural born citizen” eligible for election to our nation’s highest office. What complicates Cruz’ case is the fact that he retained his Canadian passport for the vast majority of his life.
But here’s the bottom line: Underneath his dark, phyletic dermis beats the heart of a red-blooded (read: venal, disingenuous) American pol. Mr. Cruz never misses an opportunity to portray himself as a Tea Party populist with a distain for Wall Street, recounting how he and his wife scrimped and saved and sold the house and cars to finance his 2012 senate run. In last November’s debate he pledged to never use taxpayer dollars to bail out a major bank, scolding Gov. John Kasich (R–OH), who rationally opined, “When there is a financial crisis or a crisis with Ebola, you’ve got to go there and try to fix it.” More recently, Cruz noted that “Goldman is one of the biggest banks on Wall Street… like many other players on Wall Street and big business, they seek out and get special favors from government… My criticism with Washington is they engage in crony capitalism. They give favors to Wall Street and Big Business, and that’s why I’ve been an outspoken opponent of crony capitalism, taking on leaders in both parties.”
Truth be told, not only is his wife a managing director at Goldman, but she wrangled a $500,000 loan from Lloyd Blankfein’s firm that funded the bulk of Cruz’ senate campaign. Unabashed, the Senator purposefully hid this information (along with the fact he borrowed and additional $200,000 from Citibank) from both the inbred population of Texas and the Federal Election Committee. Today, he unapologetically brushes off the violation as merely “inadvertent.” In sum, his inherent prevarication is indistinguishable from that of the other – and indisputably natural born – idiots vying for the White House.
Weaving financial legerdemain into swarthy integument would understandably drape Mr. Cruz in a rather Semitic cut of cloth; sadly, he is less the heroic Othello and more the villainous Stephen Friedman. Friedman, you may recall, is the undisputed king of government bailouts having simultaneously served – despite the explicit prohibition – as Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Board and a member of the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs. In 2008, insurance giant AIG went into default because of obligations related to credit default swaps; Mr. Friedman negotiated the taxpayer funded takeover of AIG to the tune of $180 billion, with the stipulation that AIG pay full face value to its CDS counterparties despite both historical precedent and market conditions dictating a discount in the neighborhood of 50%. As a Director, then, Friedman well knew that Goldman would be made whole on a $13 billion call; using this inside information, he bought 50,000 shares of Goldman stock, pocketing a cool $5 million in the process.
While it is a credit to President Obama that few remember how dire things truly were during the Bush meltdown (hint: triple today’s effective unemployment rate, quintuple the recent China-and-crude-oil-led market swoon and shit the bedclothes nightly), Friedman’s heinous actions recall such other traitors as the Rosenbergs and Nidal Malik Hasan. It might be fitting, then, for the new Jihadi John, aka Siddartha Dhar, aka Abu Rumaysah, to give Mr. Friedman a little snip during the final broadcast of Al Jazeera America on April 30 of this year. Perhaps, too, he could do something about Mr. Trump’s appalling hairdo.