In politics, as in life, hindsight is construed to be 20/20. This dorsal visual acuity should be unsparingly used, according to cynics, to back over anything you may hit with your car, as it is always better to commit a heinous crime without survivors than a lesser one with witnesses. Yet, on occasion, those beyond the grave stubbornly continue to operate among the living: Tupac still cranks out CDs, the Pope has scuttled Prince Charles’ apostatic nuptials, and Terri Schiavo is fast becoming the poster child for judicial reform.
Reviewing the Wreckage: Republicans passed a law wending Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube through the arms of the thankfully recalcitrant federal court system. Knowing that dissenting votes would be used against them in the next election cycle, Democrats again failed to stand on principle and scurried away like cockroaches during the klieg-lit proceedings.
Postmortem: The Left went all limp even though the vast majority of the polity believes legislators were wrong to tamper with the Schindler’s private battle. Joining that opinion is the 11th Circuit Chief Judge J.L. Edmonson who scorned “activist judge”-bashing members of “the legislative and executive branches of our government [who] have acted in a manner demonstrably at odds with our Founding Fathers’ blueprint for the governance of a free people.” Obviously, any law that applies to only one person by definition violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution. Nonetheless, lawyers funded by the religious right fervently, if unsuccessfully, continued up and down state and federal courts.
As the shadows grew longer, the Schindlers grew increasingly desperate. In an attempt to publicly demonstrate Terri’s capabilities (and, thus, potential for recovery) her parents pointed out that she managed to get Jesse Jackson and Tom Delay to lick each other’s balls. When the courts remained unmoved, the family decided to call upon the one man who could pull a rabbit out of a hat – Johnnie Cochran. Learning that Cochran had just died of a brain tumor, a defiant Mary Schindler said, “No problem; we’ll just get Jeb Bush to pop a feeding tube down his nose, and after a shave and quick shower, he’ll be more than ready for trial.”
This particular case was plucked, for strategic reasons, from the thousands of right-to-die decisions wrestled with every month. Republicans went so far as to distribute a memo calling the episode a “great political issue” that was “tough for Democrats” – especially Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) who faces re-election next year. Remember, even the Pope refused medical treatment at the end, preferring, as most do, to pass away at home. Oddly, what felled the Pontiff at the last was a urinary tract infection, probably contracted during the course of treatment at the Gemelli Polyclinic. Unnamed hospital sources in Rome acknowledge that one of John Paul’s caregivers may have exposed him to a case of figa sporca.
Through a Cracked Windshield: Before the government dictates when you should die, or, until that time, what brand of breakfast cereal you can eat, it’s best to know what lies in front of you. Hypocrisy.
And, no, Dr. Frist, this is not what’s meant by the Hippocratic Oath. The Senate Majority Leader and erstwhile heart surgeon admits to pulling the plug on failing patients “on a regular basis.” Moreover, in his book, Transplant, Frist advocates killing anencephalic babies essentially by performing a fourth trimester abortion.
Over on the House side, Tom DeLay likened his third ethics investigation to the vegetative martyrdom of Terri Schiavo. Calling her protracted torment a gift from God, he declared, “So it’s bigger than any one of us, and we have to do everything that is in our power to save [her] and anybody else that may be in this kind of position. This is exactly the issue that’s going on in America, of attacks against the conservative movement, against me and against many others.” Oh, did I mention that DeLay – a former exterminator – turned out the lights on his comatose father back in 1988?
George W. Bush, for his part, executed more people as Governor of Texas, than those two kids at Columbine High. He also signed the Advance Directives Act allowing Texas hospitals to disconnect patients from life support if a physician, in consult with either the hospital’s bioethics committee or billing department, deems the situation hopeless. Just last week a five-month-old baby was terminated against his mother’s wishes. Now as President he seeks to extinguish, by way of budget cuts and tort reform, the two sources of funds that supported Terri’s care: Medicaid and malpractice awards. At $80,000 a year they must have been filling her G-tube with foie gras and Veuve Cliquot, but if the Republicans wanted her alive they should have been willing to pay the freight.
Meanwhile, Florida Governor and White House hopeful Jeb Bush has loosed over 15 cases of a lethal strain of E. coli at two agricultural fairs. One death has already been reported. The state, apparently, failed to provide hand-washing facilities adjacent to petting zoos. Across the state line in Alabama, Republican Governor Bob Riley is trying to drop coverage for 13-year-old Lauren Rainey, a severely handicapped girl who requires a suction tube to breathe.
In the final analysis, a bunch of opportunistic politicians seized on the notion that a bulimic should be fed against her will and that you, despite your inclinations, should pay the bill. We have sent the National Guard halfway around the world to protect us from religious fanatics. Maybe it’s time to bring them home.