It’s been an expansive lacuna, I admit, but I have been caught adrift between two immiscible themes that inexplicably cohabit like Vanessa Trump and Valentin Rivera. To wit: what comes out of Washington is so outrageous that even though strident sardonicism is now totally indistinguishable from its own fodder, the President remains wildly popular within his coterie of rednecks, corporate welfare queens and school shooting enthusiasts. The polity has become so inured to the myriad of lies and so deluded by the incessant labels of Fake News that the media sees no reason to establish the link between Mr. Trump’s overt racism and the criminalization of brown skin and kinky hair. Heaven help us if there’s a real emergency because 911 phone lines nationwide are all jammed up by white folks calling the police whenever the darkies show up at a park or an Airbnb. One may well expect this in Alabama, but it’s happening in sanctuary cities like Oakland, CA and all across the socio-economic spectrum, from the Waffle House to Yale University.
Equally confusing is the self-contradictory string of Mr. Trump’s Twitter feed. Cabinet members and aides are lauded only days before they are burned, leakers are simultaneously disclaimed and excoriated, and sneak attacks are broadcast in advance. What remained baffling even among the Daliesque signposts in this Bizarro World of Stormy McCohen was the President’s reference to a “drunk/drugged up loser.” For days, speculation and denials caromed around the beltway, until, one afternoon, it became apparent that the Donald had conflated a New York Times reporter with the White House physician, Adm. Ronny Jackson.
Jackson, known to insiders as the Candyman, routinely handed out opioids like M&Ms on Halloween and when he got caught self-prescribing he forced underlings to continue writing his orders. Frequently sotted on the job, he once had to be subdued by Secret Service agents while trying to break down the hotel room door of a female staffer. He crashed a government vehicle leaving an official function, and, at least once, was unable to render medical assistance because he was passed out drunk on the floor. Remarkably, none of this would have come to light had Mr. Trump not nominated the Admiral to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs. Thankfully, however, Jackson, like so many before him, has not only lost his White House gig, but he must endure the rest of his days a broken man, with the broad fetid shit stain of Donald Trump down his back.
Yet there remains, as has been the case in many of these sagas, something even more despicable if not sinister below the subsurface; last February, Alan Garten, a Trump Organization lawyer and Keith Schiller, Trump’s bodyguard and White House employee raided the office of Trump’s longtime personal physician and stole the President’s medical records. Despite Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ assurances that the smash and grab was “standard operating procedure,” the heist was clearly illegal if only for the lack of a signed HIPPA form. As Dr. Bornstein lamented to reporters, “How would you feel if you cared for someone for 35 years, they came and robbed your office?” Enjoy your shit stain, doc.
The million-dollar question, of course, is what precisely is the White House attempting to conceal. The admixture of former Playmate Karen McDougal’s revelation that Trump eschews condoms along with common knowledge the President’s infatuation with Roy Cohn, leaves us conjecturing – especially since the Mrs. been released from Walter Reed Hospital for an undisclosed “kidney ailment” – as to exactly which dirty bits Melania might have inherited from the trail of porn stars and Russian hookers.