Donald Trump’s plan to register every Muslim and wiretap every mosque in America was met with widespread derision. Jeb Bush called it wrong and manipulative. Hillary labeled it shocking and implored all the other presidential candidates to denounce it. Many in the media lambasted it as un-American and compared it to Nazi Germany (though there was nary a mention of the dozen Japanese-American internment camps run by our very own Uncle Sam).
It was not a fortnight later that Trump was proved prescient. Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik (who was expeditiously issued a K-1 visa only last year) massacred 14 fine citizens at a holiday party in San Bernardino, CA. While evidence of radicalization and an allegiance to ISIS is now beginning to emerge, it was unclear in the immediate aftermath whether the attack was premeditated or merely a response to one of Farook’s co-workers wishing him “Merry Christmas” instead of the politically sanitized “Happy Holidays.” In the end, ala Benghazi, the animus is of little consequence; the coroner’s reports will regardless read “Death by Muslim.”
In response to this latest episode of Islamicide, President Obama took to the airwaves. His concession that “the threat from terrorism is real,” seemed rather superfluous given the enumerated events in Boston, Ft. Hood and Chattanooga. By now, every third grader is well aware the Ragheads are trying to kill us. Which is, by the way, why the Donald warned that letting in Syrian refugees “would be suicide.” Yet Mr. Obama remains optimistic that with vigilance, international cooperation and the proper use of technology, we can foil any threat. Good luck with that.
As I mentioned last time, politicians reflexively avoid acknowledging any act of terrorism carried out by Christians. Though the President predictably failed to mention the mass shooting in Colorado Springs (the assailant, Robert Lewis Dear, Jr., was Baptist), the intent was the same as in San Berdoo, to use intimidation as a lever to denature our cultural praxes. I also cautioned that we face a far more proximate threat than ISIS, namely the food at Chipotle. Since my last missive, the Mexican eatery has cooked up multiple cases of E. Coli (is it mere irony that Farook was a food safety inspector?) in seven additional states. And finally, I chided Democrats for being too soft on the Republicans. To wit: only hours after the blood had dried in Southern California, Senate Republicans shot down two gun control measures, including one proffered by Sen. Feinstein (D-CA) which sought to ban terrorists from purchasing firearms. Not one Democrat called out their adversaries; not one Republican was upbraided in the press.
I guess it’s left to me, then, to point out what they should be saying: “Marco Rubio puts guns in the hands of terrorists. Ted Cruz stood with Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, reloading their AR-15s as good Americans died. Mitch McConnell was cashing checks from the NRA while your son or daughter bled to death at the feet of Mohammad Abdulazeez. Kelly Ayotte thinks it’s a darn shame that the Tsarnaev brothers killed those people in Boston with homemade bombs, especially when perfectly suited assault rifles were so procurable.” Yes, this is what they should say, but they won’t. Mr. Trump, by way of comparison, doesn’t give a damn about those he may offend. So for all the lampooning and disdain, he should merit consideration for at least this: he fuckin’ told you so.
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