Blogging for the New York Times, Stanley Fish slants recent events to support his contention that “You can insult any ethnic group and get away with it, except for the Jews.” Fish goes so far as to ascribe French support for Dominique Strauss-Kahn to his religion, rather than his nationality or his politics (Socialist). True, editors at Le Monde painted DSK as a victim, publishing his accuser’s name and breast size in the process, but not because they’re Hymiephillic. Given that France is one of the most actively anti-semitic countries in the developed world, Fish’ assertion is beyond insidious; it’s a frontal assault. And patently false. Recall that Juan Williams (Afro-Hispanic) was fired from NPR after disclosing his fear of muslims, while UCLA student Alexandra Wallace (Blonde, Blue) was force to leave school after her anti-Asian “Ching-Chong” video went viral. There are numerous other examples (e.g. Brave’s coach Roger McDowell, broadcaster Don Imus) which Fish ignores, but then again, why let facts cloud the argument?
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